is a private company engaged in providing services to public and private entities relating to communication. Its main commitment consist of development of digital contents for digital tools in the field of marketing and communication activities. In this respect, it offers services related to data analysis, research studies and professional training. To do so, InfoTech works with a relevant number internal and external expertise, from academics to practitioners. It has also provided dozens of services to the so-called Local Action Groups (LAGs) financed by ERDF, Cohesion Fund, European Social Fund etc.
It has been involved in many regional and national projects financed by European funds, such as “Progetto ISCI”, “Piano integrato di filieara (PIF)” and so on. In all these experiences InfoTech has accomplished to carry out dissemination and communication activities.
Latest experiences regard the commitment of building networks to support entrepreneurs in reaching out to public institutions in order to effectively communicate their needs to the governmental institutions.