The Technical University of Madrid
specialises in teaching and research in various Engineering areas. Founded in 1971 as an amalgamation of several technical schools, the university currently has more than 35,000 students.
The Industrial Department at the UPM, directly involved in this project, involves around 90 scholars, including three full professors and it is traversal to different Schools and very much active in education, where innovative educative programs have been developed along the past ten years thanks to EU funds. Among these initiatives, the IMIM project (International Master in Industrial Management – webpage) and the ME3 project (European Joint Masters in Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy webpage).
UPM is also partner of other Erasmus + projects, like EDIM, IMIM, ME3, TAVIE, all aimed at boosting the innovation in the educational system.
UPM has a strong participation in many EU networks that will be exploited for the dissemination of the IE3 project, such as the EDIM network (European Doctorate in Industrial Management webpage) LAC technological university associations (LACCEI, ASIBEI, HACU, Tordesillas Group, etc) and it is member of 3 out of the 5 EIT KICs.
UPM has a long tradition of collaboration with Industry (around 50% of its R&D funding) for both R&D and educational programs. At this regard, the Industrial Department has a strong relationship with companies from different sectors, as the collaboration with the industrial players is considered a key value, as it helps with applied education but also with research context and consultancy activities.