IE3 project: let’s take the stoke of the situation before the summer break

The holidays are near and well deserved considering all the trouble of this first part of 2020, but despite the summer breaks the IE3 partners are keeping on working hard on the next steps of the project. In this article we want to give you some updates about what has been done so far.

The first months of the project have been very intense, as the partners conducted an extensive investigation surveying many stakeholders of the Industrial Engineering and Management sector. Thanks to this activity, IE3 team reached a great number of students, academics, companies and alumni that were asked to assess the offer and the demand of IE&M course related skills. For reaching these results, the partnership was helped by the associated partners ESTIEM and AIM, contributing significantly to reach a wide audience of stakeholders. The involvement of the associated partners has been encouraged in order to extend the reach of IE3 project activities and disseminate its results to a broader range of beneficiaries.

Specifically, the number of answers collected by the partners for each of the 4 target groups are the following:

Country Companies Academics Students Alumni
Italy 11 28 125 28
Poland 10 16 42 10
Spain 14 18 73 34
Sweden 7 16 30 24
Other countries 33 35 103 82
TOT 75 113 373 178


The number of countries involved in the research is presented here below:

Alumni 28
Company 20
Academics 21
Students 20


The partnership obtains benefit because not only it brings together players of European countries but also because its target groups made up of people of different ages and origin with their regional backgrounds and lifestyles constitute a fundamental intrinsic aspect of it.

According to the information collected by the University partners, PoliBa will finalize the training needs analysis as emerged from the research. According to the results of the training need analysis the partners will develop the Body of Knowledge that will contain all the information for renewing the courses in the IE&M field, main objective of the IE3 project.