The 2021 represents a turning point for the IE3 project. This is because of a couple of reasons.

Firstly, we really hope to get back to meet again each other for project meetings. Secondly, the IE3’s team is going to achieve substantial steps for the advancement of the project development.

Four key events that you cannot miss:

  1. The Body of Knowledge will be officially delivered and shared throughout the IE3 audience;
  2. An online international event is being organised to introduce the Body of Knowledge to the international stakeholder’s stalls
  3. Development of the learning material for the nascent IE3 course;
  4. YouTube channel filling with training and dissemination material.

We recommend to be on the trail as the IE3 outputs are open to anyone interested in. In a next article, InfoTech will address the importance of seeking for outputs of European projects.

InfoTech Team

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