In November 2019 the IE3 partners met for the first time, but they couldn’t imagine that just a few months after the start of the project it would be impossible to work together side by side again as happened in Bari.

Despite the difficulties, the project went ahead and, thanks to participatory collaboration and mutual support, the partners in the first months of 2020 conducted an in-depth survey that examined many stakeholders in the management and industrial engineering sector.

The IE3 team managed to reach a large number of students, academics, companies and alumni who were asked to evaluate the offer and the demand for skills related to IE&M courses. To achieve these results, the partnership was helped by the associated partners ESTIEM and AIM, which contributed significantly to reaching a wide audience of stakeholders. The involvement of associated partners was encouraged in order to extend the scope of the IE3 project’s activities and disseminate its results to a wider range of beneficiaries.

According to the information collected by the partner universities, the Polytechnic of Bari has completed the analysis of the training needs that emerged from the research. Based on the results of this analysis, PoliBa  has developed the Body of Knowledge, containing all the information for renewing courses in the IE&M field (the final version will be released in January 2021).

Unfortunately, the partners were unable to meet in person for the two meetings that were supposed to take place in Poznan (June 2020) and Madrid (November 2020). So they organized virtual sessions to replace them and, although everyone would have preferred to meet and spend a few days together, all participants were really satisfied with the steps forward that have been made… even in virtual mode!

During these meetings, the topic of creating training materials was introduced, for which the University of Linkoping is responsible. The universities have already indicated which courses they intend to renew thanks to the indications contained in the BoK and by the end of January 2021 the first result of Linkoping competence will be released: the “Course Design Action Plan”, containing the common guidelines.

ValueDo team