The IE3 team managed to reach a large number of students, academics, companies and alumni who were asked to evaluate the offer and the demand for skills related to IE&M courses. To achieve these results, the partnership was helped by the associated partners ESTIEM and AIM, which contributed significantly to reaching a wide audience of stakeholders. The involvement of associated partners was encouraged to extend the scope of the IE3 project’s activities and disseminate its results to a wider range of beneficiaries.
The partners conducted also a desk research on the syllabi of the Universities in the field of IE&M. The total number of HEIs identified by LIU, UPM, PUT and Poliba based on the list of HEIs from partner countries is 235 HEIs.
According to the information collected by the University partners, PoliBa finalized the training needs analysis as emerged from the research. Basing on the results of the training need analysis the partners developed the Body of Knowledge that contains all the information for renewing the courses in the IE&M field, the main objective of the project. The final version of the document is available also here.
At the moment the partners are implementing WP3 activities, aimed at creating new and innovative training materials. The universities have already indicated which courses they intend to renew thanks to the indications contained in the BoK and Linkoping University, WP3 Leader, has released in January 2021 the first result of its competence the “Course Design Action Plan” (R3.1), containing the common guidelines the University partners are asked to follow in developing this process.
Despite all the difficulties we believe that as a consortium we did our best to reach all the expected targets (and actually we went far beyond the targets in many cases) and all the partners keep on working with the expected quality on all the project outputs.
As the results achieved are satisfactory and mutual esteem has been created between the partners, the IE3 consortium has decided to organize the First International Conference of IE3 project set for 19th April 2021.
The Conference will present contributions both by the academic world and by industries to analyse the current situation and future perspectives of Higher Education in Industrial Engineering and Management in Europe.
Professors, students and representatives of companies will contribute by providing different points of views. Finally, experts from Academia and Companies will debate on SWOT features in the renewal processes of higher education in Industrial Engineering and Management.
The event will be hosted on the Webex platform and it will last approximately 4 hours.
If you want to be always updated on IE3 next steps and the preparation of the Conference, follow us on our social media!
ValueDo team