Business world is moving towards online and, even though strong transformation is happening in the technical applications with more IoT devices and more sophisticated digital twins, the same intensity is not observable into management processes sphere.
There are elements such as inertia, change resistance, cultural factors playing a role in hampering the expected digital transformation in business. To contribute in transforming observable reality educating new cohorts of project managers in digital way of managing projects is understood as essential. IE3 project became aware of such reality and it has selected digitalization in Project Management as a relevant topic of the revamping courses.
It is not just about using on line collaborative tools such as mobile apps, websites, e-commerce solutions, video content, games, events, social media, SEO, advertising, etc. but looking for a total transformation of business models, activities and competencies aimed to utilize digital technologies’ opportunities as high as possible. It will mean that people must take advantage of the digital workflows (NiFi based ones, for instance) and transform their contribution to add value from the manual oriented tasks to handle governing rules of the processes instead and / or to design new processes, extending further the existing workflows, able to integrate data flows from different subsystems and components.
To change effectively, it will require not only to setup an efficient digital workplace but also to guide people through the transformation process, where the project is the right tool to be considered.
Joaquín Ordieres-Meré
The Technical University of Madrid
Source: https://hygger.io/blog/digitalization-management-processes-how-it-affects-projects/