The meeting organised by Linköping University and their industry partner Implema was held in Stockholm at Microsofts Swedish headquarters. The main subject during the meeting was about a new two years masterprogram for the future in the main subject Industrial Engineering and Management. One of the goals is to help universities that do not have such a program to get guidelines, aim, learning outcomes, examples of courses and recommendation etc to be able to start up such program. It can also help universities already having a program in Industrial Engineering and Management to improve and develop their program to make their students better prepared for the changes and challenges that the industry is facing in the future.
Based on suggestions from all four universities with input from their industry partners, Linköping University has, before the meeting, made a first draft of such a program. The main goal with this draft was not to suggest exact courses and profiles even if courses and profile will be included as examples in the final version. Instead, this draft focused program guidelines, program aim and learning outcomes together with a suggestion how to map your own program with the learning outcomes. After discussions and a new draft from Linköping University, the partners agreed of the main aim and learning outcomes of the program. The partners also agreed that Linköping University will summarize this into the final aim and learning outcomes which will together with the guidelines be the backbone of the suggested program. This new program will be presented at the project’s final conference in Bari, Italy in February 2023.
By Linköping University team