About ie3_user

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So far ie3_user has created 72 blog entries.

Virtual reality and Training

Virtual reality is a slogan that appears more and more often in the context of industry, in particular training of operators, technicians and service technicians. Polish companies also use VR technology, an example of which is the project currently implemented by Enea Operator in cooperation with the Poznan University of Technology and the [...]

2021-02-26T10:28:32+01:00February 26th, 2021|

IE3 Communication channels

Nowadays the communication is arising as being of paramount importance for all the activities that human beings undertake, from private to job affairs. People indeed feel the need of being constantly connected with communities they either belong to or are far away from. This approach returns a sort of legitimacy on something that [...]

2021-02-24T10:25:08+01:00February 24th, 2021|

What about the Associate Partners?

As addressed with an article published the 5th February 2021, the communication activities are of paramount importance for the accomplishment of project outcomes. This process is fed by the conjoint efforts made by the consortium as a whole under the leadership of one company specialized in the field. However, beside the official consortium, [...]

2021-02-20T10:46:54+01:00February 20th, 2021|


The abrupt appearance of COVID-19 have induced transformative effects in all domains, including industry. The need of many operations becoming remote (work, education, entertainment, connecting with friends…) has shown that the technologies associated to the 4th Industrial Revolution offer tools to perform remotely many operations of the mentioned areas and maintain some “normality”. [...]

2021-02-17T10:57:18+01:00February 17th, 2021|

Why transferring good practices is important

Knowledge transfer is a subject of paramount importance to trigger a wide development toward sustainable paths. It is highly linked to the concept of “good practice exchange”. This latter, indeed, refers to multiple elements that can be object of transfer, such as a specific knowledge, process, organizational design, and/or more generally, a particular [...]

2021-02-15T10:30:39+01:00February 15th, 2021|

ALCO-MOT team skills

Ever since the beginning of my professional career I have put great emphasis on self-development and continuous development of my knowledge in the field of management. Therefore, when I took the position of the President of the Management Board at ALCO-MOT improving employees’ qualifications and implementing IT tools for more efficient operation of [...]

2021-02-10T09:52:43+01:00February 10th, 2021|

From project output to project outcome. The role of the communication task

European projects are initiatives of actors dealing with a specific field linked to one or multiple economic sectors, spanning from research to education and cooperation. The conjoint work of multiple actors leads to results that account for a comprehensive number of stakeholders able to address many corners of the subject that is object [...]

2021-02-05T11:03:24+01:00February 5th, 2021|

Digital revolution and Industry 4.0

Society often moves according so called “Megatrends”, people often act following so called “trend setters”. Is this enough to define Industry 4.0 and push also industrial and academic actors to move forward? The technical evolution and the business revolution are both key pivot of this (digital) high speed rotating gear. Business revolution is [...]

2021-02-03T09:48:29+01:00February 3rd, 2021|

Microlearning: more useful than ever

Microlearning can be utilized for a variety of tasks, but as many companies are starting to find out, it is best suited for onboarding employees, either as an alternative to or a supplement for conventional orientations, welcoming notes, and employee handbooks. In recent years Industry 4.0 has been the driving force and the [...]

2021-01-29T11:13:11+01:00January 29th, 2021|

PhD course “Human-based Smart Manufacturing Systems”: the skills and competences required by operators in smart work environments

From the 13th January till the 29th January, 30 PhD students coming from 13 Italian Universities are attending the 30-hours PhD course “Human-based Smart Manufacturing Systems” offered at the Polytechnic University of Bari and organized by the research group of Prof. Giovanni Mummolo. The course, in this 6th edition, focuses on the role [...]

2021-01-27T19:09:32+01:00January 27th, 2021|
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