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So far ie3_user has created 72 blog entries.

The IE3 team moves virtually to Madrid for the 3rd project meeting.

While the pandemic restrictions force people around the world to stay at home, the IE3 team keeps on working to come up with a new course on Industrial Engineering. In this regard, the first round of the Madrid’ virtual meeting was held yesterday, 2020 December 09. It disclosed the final version of the [...]

2020-12-10T11:05:23+01:00December 10th, 2020|

IE3 Project – LXI Council Meeting of ESTIEM

On last November 6th 2020, Prof. Giovanni Mummolo attended the on-line Council organized by ESTIEM, associate partners of the Erasmus Plus project ‘Industrial Engineering and Management of European Higher Education’. During the ‘Questions / Answers” session chaired by VP education of ESTIEM, Maria Serodio), students put questions to invited speakers. This was an [...]

2020-12-28T11:01:37+01:00November 6th, 2020|

IE3 Project – Speech at the 42nd AIM Conference, Berlin 3-6 September 2020

Prof. Giovanni Mummolo contributed in the IE3 dissemination activities by attending the 42nd Conference of the European Academy for Industrial Management (AIM) held in Berlin on 3-6 September 2020. The Academy is associate partner if the IE3 project and contributed in the surveys on higher education on Industrial Engineering and Management offered at [...]

2020-10-06T12:43:06+02:00October 6th, 2020|

Last updates before summer break

IE3 project: let’s take the stoke of the situation before the summer break The holidays are near and well deserved considering all the trouble of this first part of 2020, but despite the summer breaks the IE3 partners are keeping on working hard on the next steps of the project. In this article [...]

2020-07-27T16:42:26+02:00July 27th, 2020|

IE3 work being done

The IE3 project’s 1st work package and 2nd work package are being conducted and some stages have been already completed integrating academics and students from European countries. In order to prepare Body of Knowledge project members collected data from Universities (HEIs) and Companies. The total number of HEIs identified by LIU, UPM, PUT [...]

2020-07-23T10:27:40+02:00July 23rd, 2020|

IE3 Dissemination at the CIDIP 2020 International Conference

The IE3 partners have agreed on disseminating the project outcomes through national conferences, at least once per year. Therefore, the UPM has chosen the 24th International Congress of Project Management and Engineering, promoted by AEIPRO (https://www.aeipro.com/es/noticias-cidip/1209-programaci%C3%B3n-de-sesiones-del-cidip-2020) as the target for 2020. We started the paper by justifying the interest of addressing all the [...]

2020-07-17T18:28:04+02:00July 17th, 2020|

IE3 General Meeting – 29-30 June 2020

The meeting was attended by almost all university and company partners. Results focused on education & training convergences and divergences and company good practices in Industrial Engineering and Management (IE&M); they showed major elements that characterize I4.0 paradigm. The analysis of quantitative questionnaire provided an interesting picture on major knowledge needs expressed by [...]

2020-07-07T16:47:11+02:00July 7th, 2020|

Today is the Questionnaire-day (Q-day).

Q-day Today is the Questionnaire-day (Q-day). The IE3 team launches a survey  to investigate the gap between contemporary industry knowledge needs in implementing I4.0 paradigm and the offer of Universities in the area of Industrial Engineering and Management. The survey consists of 4 questionnaires, each of them being designed to assess the opinion [...]

2020-05-20T09:06:59+02:00May 20th, 2020|

Scientific studies for educational purposes on IE&M

The first two scientific articles have been published by the IE3’ academic team. The papers are available at the section Results of our website in pdf version. You will be allowed to download citation codes in three different formats: Bibtex, RIS and text. These studies represent the baselines on which the new educational [...]

2020-05-19T11:17:19+02:00May 19th, 2020|

IE3 project presentation in New Jersey, USA

On the 22nd January, Professor Mummolo presented IE3 project at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University Heights, New Jersey, USA. Professor Mummolo introduced the topic and the objectives of IE3 project by remarking its significant role in conceiving, testing, and disseminating a New University – Industry Higher Education Model to contribute [...]

2020-05-05T13:26:10+02:00February 8th, 2020|
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