
Tracking of Projects: an eLearning module.

Source: Self elaborated by using as context an Industry 4.0 picture from “” There are specific trends in the European industry following a fast-track the digital transformation, which requires that education of future cohorts of engineers becomes aware of them. There are few of those [...]

Industry 4.0 and the protection of the natural environment

Global competition, the digital revolution, the change in consumer attitudes and the evolution of the approach to the use of natural resources are becoming the foundations of the economy of the future. Modern industrial development does not have to affect the natural environment negatively. More [...]

The importance of dissemination activities in European projects

In European projects, the term "dissemination" indicates the set of actions and strategies aimed at disseminating information on the results of the project to maximize its impact on individuals, entities, and communities. This is essential as it facilitates the transfer of results and their use [...]

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